Violet Shrinking Wrap

image003Forever Me brings you a hidden Secret by Celebrities such as Cheryl Cole and The cast of TOWIE, the Shrinking Violet Body Wrap offers amazing inch loss after just one session. Excellent for stubborn extra inches on stomach, waist, buttocks, thighs and upper arms, the Shrinking Violet wrap is already a most-requested treatment! Thanks to the process of Lipolysis (the painless breakdown of fat cells), clients have reported an immediate inch loss*

Three times more powerful than ordinary weight loss wraps*, the Shrinking Violet Body Wrap offers amazing inch loss after just one session.*

A single treatment involves the application/massage of a specially-formulated solution into the skin. The transparent film, called ‘Wrapture’, is wrapped around your body; you are then able to relax on a heated bed, covered in blankets, while the formula works its magic…


The Shrinking Violet Body Wrap is a painless yet incredibly effective slimming treatment.* In addition to a healthy and active lifestyle, the results are long-lasting* – perfect if you just need that extra helping hand to shed those stubborn remaining inches.
Contraindications apply to this treatment. Please speak to a therapist for more information.

Not Suitable for Soya Bean Allergies


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Violet shrinking wrap – £55

£275 for a course of 6 treatments (£55 Discount)


*Disclaimer : Our Products, Results & Services may vary depending on different type of user.